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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Label a Flash Drive with Your Name and Number

Found this on Lifehacker

...label my drive something other than "Removable Disk" and add an eye-catching custom icon to it.
So I created a next text file in Notepad, typed the word:


And saved it to the root directory—the "main" area of your drive, not in a folder—as autorun.inf.

I chose a big yellow smiley face for my icon but any brightly colored, unusual icon will be easily noticed. I copied the icon to the root directory of my thumb drive and renamed it myicon.ico.

Then I opened my autorun.inf file and added this text:

icon = .\myicon.ico
label=My Name (mobile xxx-xxx-xxxx)

(Of course, you will substitute your name and your mobile number for the above text.) I saved the file and marked it "read only" and hid it (just as an added sense of security—a lot of people have not learned how to tweak their "Show hidden folders" settings and, thus, will not be tempted to delete or
edit the file.)

Once I unplugged and re-inserted my thumb drive, it looked like this:

Source: Lifehacker

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